Monday, May 2, 2016

Trigger squeeze Pt 2 of 4.

Trigger squeeze is the shooters ability to manipulate the trigger for clean, thorough shot placements. Pull to hard and you will undoubtedly shoot to the left or right of center mass. Do not pull hard enough and you run the risk of anticipating the shot, and will throw the shot off target, in some instances completely missing your target.

A solid trigger squeeze will encompass two factors: Follow through and trigger finger placement. Follow through is applied that split second after you pulled the trigger and the round has been fired. Finger placement, in my opinion, is entirely on what the shooter feels comfortable with.

What is follow through?  Once you have decided to pull the trigger the next though on your mind as you are squeezing the trigger. After the round has been ignited it has a split second travel down the barrel, part of a process called internal ballistics.

It is during this time, that you must remain behind your weapon, finger with the trigger completely depressed. As a rule of thumb, after you pull the trigger, press and hold for one second, then slowly release your trigger, listening for the metallic click of the hammer resetting.

For finger placement we recommend that you start with placing your trigger finger on the trigger, just about 1/4" from the first joint. Ensure that it is placed flat on the trigger, utilizing a slow squeeze reward, allowing the shot to surprise you. Never anticipate.

Years of training on the basic fundamentals have lead me to perceive follow through as the single most important factor in a first round hit. It seems slow at first, but something you should get used to hearing in the beginning is "slow is smooth, smooth is fast". All the professionals started with the basics, and become so proficient at the application of basic technique, that it appears to be advanced techniques.

Our marksmanship programs are designed with practical application in mind. What does that mean? Shooting fundamentals expand much further than the range. The biggest applications are hunting, home defense, discipline, attention to detail and confidence.

Stay tuned to our blog for the rest of the series. Head on over to Facebook and Instagram and give us a like and follow. Message us today to find out when our next event is and how to schedule your training in the West Valley of Phoenix.

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